Defining host templates ======================= You can create your own host templates in addition to the ones shipped with the MDBenchmark. We use the ``jinja2`` Python package for these host templates. Please refer to the `official Jinja2 documentation `_ for further information on formatting and functionality. To be detected automatically, a template file must have the same filename as returned by the UNIX command ``hostname``. If this is not the case, you can point MDBenchmark to a specific template by providing its name via the ``--host`` option. Assuming you created a new host template in your home directory ``~/.config/MDBenchmark/my_custom_hostfile``:: mdbenchmark generate --host my_custom_hostfile Sun Grid Engine (SGE) --------------------- This example shows a HPC running SGE with 30 CPUs per node. .. code:: #!/bin/bash ### join stdout and stderr #$ -j y ### change to currend work dir #$ -cwd #$ -N {{ job_name }} # Number of nodes and MPI tasks per node: #$ -pe impi_hydra {{ 30 * n_nodes }} #$ -l h_rt={{ formatted_time }} module unload gromacs module load {{ module }} module load impi # Run gromacs/{{ version }} for {{ time - 5 }} minutes mpiexec -n {{ 30 * n_nodes }} -perhost 30 mdrun_mpi -v -maxh {{ time / 60 }} -deffnm {{ name }} Slurm ----- The following showcases the job template for the MPCDF cluster ``draco`` using Slurm. .. code:: #!/bin/bash -l # Standard output and error: #SBATCH -o ./{{ job_name }}.out.%j #SBATCH -e ./{{ job_name }}.err.%j # Initial working directory: #SBATCH -D ./ # Job Name: #SBATCH -J {{ job_name }} # # Queue (Partition): {%- if gpu %} #SBATCH --partition=gpu #SBATCH --constraint='gpu' {%- else %} {%- if time is lessthan 30 or time is equalto 30 %} #SBATCH --partition=express {%- elif time is greaterthan 30 and time is lessthan 240 or time is equalto 240 %} #SBATCH --partition=short {%- else %} #SBATCH --partition=general {%- endif %} {%- endif %} # # Number of nodes and MPI tasks per node: #SBATCH --nodes={{ n_nodes }} #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=32 # Wall clock limit: #SBATCH --time={{ formatted_time }} module purge module load impi module load cuda module load {{ module }} # Run {{ module }} for {{ time }} minutes srun gmx_mpi mdrun -v -maxh {{ time / 60 }} -deffnm {{ name }} LoadLeveler ----------- Here is an example job template for the MPG cluster ``hydra`` (LoadLeveler). .. code:: # @ shell=/bin/bash # # @ error = {{ job_name }}.err.$(jobid) # @ output = {{ job_name }}.out.$(jobid) # @ job_type = parallel # @ node_usage = not_shared # @ node = {{ n_nodes }} # @ tasks_per_node = 20 {%- if gpu %} # @ requirements = (Feature=="gpu") {%- endif %} # @ resources = ConsumableCpus(1) # @ network.MPI = sn_all,not_shared,us # @ wall_clock_limit = {{ formatted_time }} # @ queue module purge module load {{ module }} # run {{ module }} for {{ time }} minutes poe gmx_mpi mdrun -deffnm {{ name }} -maxh {{ time / 60 }} Options passed to job templates ------------------------------- MDBenchmark passes the following variables to each template: +----------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Value | Description | +================+=====================================================================+ | name | Name of the TPR file | +----------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | job_name | Job name as specified by the user, if not specified same as name | +----------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | gpu | Boolean that is true, if GPUs are requested | +----------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | module | Name of the module to load | +----------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | n_nodes | Maximal number of nodes to run on | +----------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | time | Benchmark run time in minutes | +----------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | formatted_time | Run time for the queuing system in human readable format (HH:MM:SS) | +----------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ To ensure correct termination of jobs ``formatted_time`` is 5 minutes longer than ``time``. MDBenchmark will look for user templates in the `xdg`_ config folders defined by the environment variables ``XDG_CONFIG_HOME`` and ``XDG_CONFIG_DIRS`` which by default are set to ``$HOME/.config/MDBenchmark`` and ``/etc/xdg/MDBenchmark``, respectively. If the variable ``MDBENCHMARK_TEMPLATES`` is set, the script will also search in that directory. MDBenchmark will first search in ``XDG_CONFIG_HOME`` and ``XDG_CONFIG_DIRS`` for a suitable template file. This means it is possible to overwrite system-wide installed templates or templates shipped with the package. .. _xdg: