Submission of benchmarks ======================== After all benchmark systems are generated, you can also use MDBenchmark to submit these to the queuing system on your HPC. We currently support submission to `Slurm`_, `SGE`_ and `LoadLeveler`_. Submitting all generated benchmarks ----------------------------------- To submit all generated benchmarks that are recursively found starting in the current directory, use:: mdbenchmark submit .. note:: ``mdbenchmark submit`` will ask for your confirmation, before submitting any benchmarks to the queing system. To skip the confirmation use the ``--yes`` option. Submitting specific benchmarks separately ----------------------------------------- If you do not want to submit all benchmark systems at once, you can submit them separately with the ``--directory`` option. Simply define the relative path to the given directory:: mdbenchmark submit --directory draco_gromacs/2018.3 Force submitting jobs that were already submitted once ------------------------------------------------------ If your jobs were already submitted, but you want to resubmit them once more, you can do so with the ``--force`` option:: mdbenchmark submit --force .. _Slurm: .. _SGE: .. _LoadLeveler: